Month: August 2013


1st Corinthians:15:57: But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Once we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior we also accept His victory as our own. Do we consider the price? Do we reason that we are worthy? Do we include the things we have done to be part of that victory? When we accept Jesus and His victory, it is just that, His victory. He allows us His glory, His life, His Spirit, His strength, His peace, His word, and His blood.

We should humble ourselves knowing that we deserve none of it. We have been made part of the family of God due to His grace and His love. No part of that is of man, it is all of God. Everyday we have the chance to share that love, that victory, to as many as will listen.

We must not cheapen that victory. The victory which we have in Jesus came at a steep price. There is no other blood which could cleanse from all sin. There is no other blood which is pure, for no other could be called the Son of God.

What is the price of victory? Whips laced with stone and bone fragments tore the flesh from Christ. A crown of thorns pierced His precious head. His beard was plucked from His face. He was spit on. He was beaten. He was nailed to a cross and mocked. While on that cross, Jesus took upon Himself the sin of the world, then died.

When we trivialize the cross, the crucifixion, and Jesus Christ, we cheapen His victory. When we sin willingly, when we sin openly, when we sin knowingly we take away from that victory. We must submit ourselves to His Word, His will, His purpose and be up and about His business. He gave Himself wholly and endured the shame of the cross for our sake, we should be willing to always submit ourselves the same for Him. We do have victory and we also have an obligation not to cheapen any part of it, our victory did not come easy, but is freely given. Today, let us praise Jesus in spirit and in truth, for He is truly worthy!

Troubles and Hope

Life is not easy. I know that seems to be a gross understatement of fact. It has been difficult since Eden and the fall of mankind. It is an unfortunate truth, one which we all come to realize and struggle with until we too are gone from it.

Jesus said that trials and tribulations would come. He also said the world hated Him, and it would hate you too. Life and all the difficulties that arise from it should be no surprise. The nearer we are to His appearing the worse things will get. I am also reminded that Jesus questioned, when He comes back will He find faith?

We face problems from every direction we turn. Finances, relationships, and health are all major concerns and considerable burdens we carry with us daily. These things, by themselves, are bad enough but we amplify the problems by allowing them to create a wedge between ourselves and our Savior, Jesus Christ. When the world and life cast more upon you than you can carry, remember these great reminders from the One who loves you:

John:16:33: These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

His faithful words do not stop there, for in His Word, He left so many more reminders:

2nd Corinthians:4:8: We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
2nd Corinthians:4:9: Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;

Yes, life is difficult. Every difficulty is a chance to seek the face of God. During struggle and resistance, strength is gained. The time will come when you are troubled on every side, when you are perplexed, persecuted and cast down. It is during these times our faith in Jesus should be strongest. He is our peace, He is our answer, He is always with us, and He will carry us from this life to eternal life. He is our victory over this life and this world, look to Him, seek His face and there in His peace will we find rest! Give all your praise to Jesus, for He is truly worthy!